L'Enclos des Braves, 'Duras'en Passer' 2020
Nicolas Lebrun is originally from the Gers regionin Southwest France, an area best known for itsArmagnac and duck delicacies. He moved to thebanks of the river Tarn in Gaillac with his wife inthe mid-nineties and after 10 years working asan oenologist in the area, they bought l’Enclosdes Braves in 2005. A consecration and a dreamto become vignerons had come true. Gaillac is an idyllic place to grow grapes, withclay-limestone terroir and a south-easternexposition. Nicolas also loves endemic grapevarieties. From the original 5 ha he hasreplanted forgotten grape varieties which henow produces as single varietals. On hisproperty you will find Mauzac rose, Loin deL’oeil, Duras, Braucol (local name for FerServadou), Prunelart, amongst others.